Pack your decks, we're off to Berlin:

Elemental Blast 3 registration is open!


June 14 - 15


UK Rules
Swedish + reprints


Inc. welcome pack*

Event Schedule

Singleton 7pt event + Casual gathering

Free event
3 Rounds + Top 2

To kick off the excitement, we meet on Friday for an evening of introductions, shared beers, and stories. Enjoy casual 7pt Singleton games and get ready for surprise awards for the winner! It’s all about fun, friends, and Magic.

Berlin elemental blast: Main event

30€ (includes Welcome pack* + 5€ Beer Voucher)
5 Rounds + Top 8
Charity raffle

Saturday turns up the heat! Sleeve your decks and join us in the morning for the 3rd edition of the Berlin Elemental Blast. Expect a day filled with awards, raffles, and more surprises. Don’t miss this much-anticipated event.

Registration timeline

Jannuary - MarchRegistration
March - AprilPayment

Main event information

June 15, 10:30hs


5 Rounds Swiss + Top 8


UK Rules: Swedish + Open reprints - CE/IE allowed

Entry fee

Includes Welcome pack + 5€ Beer voucher*


32 Players(9 registered)

Location & Food

Our events unfold at Café En Passant, a snug and welcoming spot where you can enjoy drinks and eats at great prices. It's the perfect cozy setting for our gatherings!

Battering rams charity raffle

This year marks the start of our Battering Ram Charity Raffle! Post-round 5, get ready for some incredible prizes.

To enter, you can either pay 2€ per number on the event day or trade in 4 Antiquities Battering Rams for each number.

Finally, those old Rams in your collection can be your ticket to nabbing some real treasures!

What's in the raffle prize pool?


Revised dual
Beta BEB
Altered cards


BEB Beer pint

OS Memorabilia

Graded coaster
More to be defined soon

Event additional information

Find answers to all your queries: event prizes, what to anticipate at the Berlin Elemental Blast, contents of the Welcome pack, and more.

1st Place: BEB Champion Trophy + Signed card
2nd Place: Signed card


Best unpowered: Patch and card to the top ranked unpowered deck

Your welcome pack includes:

1 BEB Patch
2 BEB Stickers
1 BEB Key ring
1 5€ Beer Voucher
More to be confirmed soon

After tound 5, we will perform The Battering Rams Charity Raffle.

We will give away amazing prizes like:
Revised dual land
Graded coasters
Beta BEB
BEB Beer pint

To participate you can purchase as many numbers as you want. And here is where it gets interesting. You can pay your numbers with cash, or with your old Battering Rams cards!

Each number Costs 2€ or 4 Battering Rams (Only from Antiquities)